

A Beautiful Love Story

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Ocasio's Wedding
November 28th, 2015

When I received the call from this couple, I was more than elated to be planning and coordinating their amazing wedding.

If you don't believe in fate and destiny believe it.

The groom, Ivan knew his bride Iris, since they where  young teens,  he was  his brides true love and she was his girlfriend as teenagers.  They both grew up,  moved to different states, married and had children, but as fate or destiny  would have it.  They reconnected through our amazing social media outlet Facebook.  Twenty plus years later they saw each other and knew that it was the perfect time to be together forever.

While planning this amazing wedding, the Bride Iris mentioned she wasn't to much into the lace, ruffles and bling.  She was very simple and really didn't want too much to go into the design.  The Groom was right there with her.

Less is more and that is exactly what they got. Her expression when she had her reveal was priceless.
Thank you for honoring us at Annie Muniz & Associates, Event & Wedding Planners with the pleasure of being your Wedding and Event Planners. Congratulations to you both.

Thank you to all who collaborated with me
Jose Ortiz of Elite Event Designs
Lysandra & Kailani
Michael Harrell for behind the Scene pictures

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