

Building a Relationship with Future Brides

Wednesday, October 22, 2014
I have always asked myself, how can I build trust and a positive relationship with my future brides.

It's like everything you do in life. I believe in these steps:

Communication-  Always let your bride know, you have the experience to create what they want to see. Allow them to ask away.

Smiles- A smile means to me that you are confident and positive in your ability to be calming and relaxing.

Laugh- If you laugh at something funny that your clients say, you have joined in on what makes them happy.

Coffee- Offer them a cup of coffee, they really want to be alert in the consultation of the planning process.

Honesty- Do not lie to sign a deal.  If there is something you as a planner knows its IMPOSSIBLE do not make them believe you are a super hero

Reliability- this is key, they rely on you to make sure that their day is full of memories that will last a life time

Professionalism- You as a planner must keep this at all times.

Have a Great day ;-}

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