

Before you sign any contract for your special day.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

When hiring an Event planner or a Wedding Professional, it is the most important and smart decision you will make.  Whether  it be a Birthday your planning, or your wedding, please make sure of these important points:


  1. Make sure you choose a Reliable, Responsible and Reputable Planner or Wedding Professional.  
  2. Ask to see pictures of previous event they have done, publications they have been featured on, read some of their testimonials, get references.
  3. Your 1st impression is always an indication of whether or not they are a  match for you.
 A first impression is so important for just about anything you do.  Remember this person you choose to hire will now be part of a very important day in your life.  You will be building a relationship with them.

 Your first consultation should be informative and it will help you see their aesthetics and work ethic.  It will also let you know if their  knowledgeable and understands your vision.

    Establishing good communication is key. So keep that in mind  when you choose your next wedding professional and Event Planner. 

Ask questions, there is no silly question, everything you will ask is very important during the planning process.

Here are a few questions that you should be asking and are totally allowed.

How long have you been doing this type of work? 
How many Weddings/Events have you done?
Do you like what you do?
What type of training have you had?
What is your payment policy and your terms?
What is your fee?

An experience coordinator, event planner  or wedding professional should always make sure that you understand what their job is and will be.  Never feel like you can not ask questions. Feel free to consult with your coordinator, planner or wedding professional on all matters of your event. 

I hope this helps, and if you are searching for an experience Event Planner and Wedding Professional, search no more here we are.
                                          Annie Muniz & Associates, Event & Wedding  Planners, Inc.  

Photo's by: Captured by Belinda Photography
Bride: Kathy Batista Wheeler
Event Planner: Annie Muniz 

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